Tuesday, March 15, 2016

It's Official

From Shana:
She's asleep! Praying tonight is as restful for all of us as last night was!  We had a wonderful day! Went to breakfast where she ate like a horse. :) Eventually, we had to cut her off and get out of there.  The amount of food she was consuming was unbelievable! Then our guide took us to a creepy "souvenir swap meet" type place where we picked up a couple of little pieces for Phoebe.  Inner Mongolian Hot Pot was the next stop for lunch, it was fabulous.  Dwight and myself are determined to find a great Hot Pot place in Southern California. :)

Then we cam back up to the room for about an hour to rest and freshen up.  Our meeting withe the Civil Affairs Officer to finalize the adoption side of the paperwork went smoothly.  The assistant director from the orphanage was there too and when Phoebe saw her, she jumped up to go and hug her and sit by her.  I was happy that the lady was so warm and loving with our girl...but afraid of how it was going to end.  Phoebe did crawl under the table to cry silently for a bit but, to our surprise, by the end of the meeting Phoebe was back on my lap looking at pictures of herself on my phone. :)  The nice lady, Mrs. S slipped out silently and our girlie didn't get upset to leave with us (thank you Jesus!!!).  She's ours!!!  ALL ours and we are just smitten She seems to be bonding and attaching nicely...shes stared being naughty this afternoon, showing there's some trust there.

Papa John's was what the girls wanted for dinner.  It was a scary trek to take, we had to cross the street in rush hour traffic and red lights and green lights don't hold a lot of weight in China!  The girls felt like celebrities at Papa Johns!!!  All of the employees were asking to take pics with the girls.  They were practicing their English and having a great time.

Phoebe fell asleep during the walk back and ended up waking 30 minutes later crying and inconsolable for about 45 minutes, but she's resting now right between us, with her hand on Baba's arm...she's an amazing little girl!

I think I may be rambling at this point, I'm exhausted and going to shut my eyes!  Thank you for your comments, they're so encouraging to us!!!

Here are the pictures you're dying to see...

Phoebe and Baba 
Inner Mongolian Hot Pot

Phoebe's handprint on the adoption decree

The Celebrities

So sleepy...


  1. I'm so excited for you! Congratulations to YOUR little girl! She is so cute! Lots of prayers has gone up for you these last days & we'll continue to pray for a safe stay and trip back home. If you can find any kind of lavender cream or oil, get some to help keep you all calm and relaxed at night and on the flight. Love you guys and can't wait to see you all at the airport.

  2. I cannot stop the tears of happiness!! God is so good and prayers are being answered in front of us!! YAY!! Wish I could be there when you get off the plane!! So excited!!

  3. She is just too cute! Praying for you guys!
