Thursday, March 10, 2016

First Blog from Proxy

Ok, if you're anything like me, you have been stalking this blog since 5am to make sure the Hansens arrived in Beijing safely.  And then if you're anything like me you've also checked to make sure that there were no airline problems, power outages in Beijing or riots at the airport.

Rest assured, the Hansens have arrived in Beijing and wanted to write a post, but collapsed in exhaustion instead.  I received a message from Shana that everything went well with the flight and getting through customs and the airport.  Their guide met them at the airport and they got settled into their hotel.  That hotel either has super comfy beds or the family was extremely tired...I'll let you guess which one.

Dwight, Shana, and the girls are headed out to visit New Hope Foundation today.  This is an organization of foster/healing homes run by an American doctor and her husband.  They come alongside the Chinese Children's Welfare Institutes and provide a place for children who need a place to heal after a surgery.  Phoebe spent time at a New Hope healing home after her cleft lip/cleft palate surgeries.  You can find out more about New Hope at,  I know that some of you probably donated items or money through the Hansens and they will be delivering the things to the healing home today. for a few pictures.  Hopefully there will be many more to come in the next few days.  We can't wait to see Phoebe over here in America!!!

View from the plane arriving in Beijing

At the Beijing Airport...I hope we see Shana in some pictures eventually. :)

Please pray for rest for the whole family.  The long flight to Beijing is taxing on your body as well as an almost opposite time change.  Pray that they would be able to rest up and adjust to the new time zone before Phoebe joins them.  There is a lot of go-go-go when you're adopting, so they need some Divine rest.  Keep praying for Phoebe as she will officially become part of the Hansen family in just a few short days.  There are many changes happening in her young life.  Pray that God gives her strength and resiliency as she enters into this "forever" part of her life.  

We love you Dwight, Shana, Carsen, Gracie, and Phoebe!!!  Hope this is an ok update.  Feel free to edit as you see fit!!!

Erica (the Wisconsin/Iowa cousin)


  1. Yay!!! I did look early this morning!!! Ha ha!!! So glad you let Erica know all went well and she was able to fill us in!!! Excited to continue to hear from you! Either you or by "proxy"!!! Live you and are praying for you!!!

  2. The "other Hansen family" is praying for you from Florida.
