Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hong Kong

Yesterday was all rain, food and transportation😜.   After eating an intolerable amount of McDonald's, we finally discovered a wonderful noodle shop that we were all fond of (I must learn to duplicate the cucumber spicy sauce dish) and just in time to leave Guangzhou😖. We made it to Hong Kong, via a very nice train ride. We met a group of students from the Netherlands at the station and ended up sitting right next to them, they were quite interested in Phoebe. Once in Hong Kong, we needed to get from the train station to our hotel about 45 minutes away. The cab ride was a wild one with a driver that wanted to talk about the NBA and American politics. He was an absolute blessing to us, be sure to ask Dwightie about the taxi ride the next time you see him. We are all off to Hong Kong Disneyland today, thank you Ken & Marcia for the "fun money"!Not much longer until we head home.  We're completely blown away with how blessed we've been during this entire, safety, sleep, great food and best of all PHOEBE!!!
Sisters forever!

Look at all this luggage :)

Bye Bye, Guangzhou

Train ride

Taxi ride

The important things in and videos


There's just something special about a Baba and his girl!

1 comment:

  1. How fun that you used the $ for Disney!!! I am so glad you thought of this!! We are so excited for you to be on the plane in a few hours and be HOME soon!! I am sure it will take some time to get back to being Californians!! Love you! Praying for your trip!! You will land about the time I will get to Milwaukee!!
